A Newbie’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Houseplant Match

This article discusses two low-maintenance houseplants for beginners.

When I first decided to become a plant owner, I thought choosing the right plant was the most challenging part. Little did I know, it’s like dating – you must have chemistry with your plant. And let me tell you, it’s hard to find a plant that’s into the same things you are. So, I headed to the garden section of Lowe’s and picked out the plant I thought was the cutest. Turns out, that was a rookie mistake. Plants are like people – they have their own preferences and needs. My first few plants were like, “Nope, this isn’t the place for us,” and promptly died. It was like a botanical version of “The Bachelorette.” I did some research and trial and error and finally found my low-maintenance plant soulmates – the Schefflera (aka the Umbrella plant) and the Swiss Cheese (aka Monstera plant).

The Umbrella plant can survive in any situation. Direct sun, indirect sun, no sun – it doesn’t care. As long as it gets watered once a week and has proper drainage, it’s good to go. Plus, it’s a natural air purifier, so it’s like having your own mini superhero in your living room.

Swiss cheese a.k.a Monstera
My Umbrella Plant living her best life 😉

On the other hand, Monstera only survives in indirect sun and needs plenty of water and a pot with perfect drainage. I usually propagate my Monstera multiple times each season to promote bushiness. But if you like them tall and explorative, you should probably go easy on propagating!

Umbrella Plant
The first Monstera plant I owned!

So there you have it, folks – the key to successful plant parenting is finding the right match. It’s like online dating but with chlorophyll. Happy planting!

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